With all the various sizes of brick currently being used in the Ontario market, it has become very difficult for architects, designers and masonry restoration specialists to source the right bricks for their projects. There are only two local manufacturers who make Ontario size brick 8-3/8″ x 2-1/2″(2-3/8″) x 4″ and their selection is constrained to a dozen different colours and textures. This leads to architects and contractors spending days in a vain attempt to match an existing brick for an addition or a retrofit project.

Through Our Family of Companies, our sister company, Vintage Brick (www.vintagebrick.ca), we import over 350 Ontario sized bricks and a complete line of contemporary modern bricks, for restoration and new construction projects.  Ontario size bricks account for a major part of the masonry renovations done today, as up to 1970 they were virtually the only bricks available in Ontario.  With such a wide offering of bricks in many colours and textures, we have an unprecedented opportunity to match the brick you need for your mansory projects.  PermaTint (www.permatint.com), is always available to custom tint your brick or stone needs to the colour of your choice, to create a new palette or match an existing palette in place.